The Toxins Checklist
Minimize your exposure to toxins and feel your best!
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The Toxins Checklist instantly!
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What You'll Learn & Experience...
It is estimated that OVER 120,000 toxins and synthetic chemicals have been introduced in the U.S. since World War II and the majority of them have not been tested for long-term side effects or safety. That number is staggering and scary, considering the fact that research shows how toxins can alter our body chemistry and health.
Some of these toxins are classified as…
Most of these toxins we can’t see, hear, smell or feel so we are unknowingly being exposed to them. They hide in our hair care products, the paint on the walls of our house, the fire retardant on our furniture, plastic containers and in our household cleaning supplies. In fact, research shows that the air inside your house can be up to 100 times more toxic than the air outside!
Obviously you can’t live in a bubble, but reducing toxin exposure is critical to rebuilding your health and maintaining your results. It’s about controlling what you can and navigating what you can’t control.
Calculate your current toxic load score
Create a realistic plan to minimize your toxin exposure
Start cleaning up your environment
Boost your body's detoxification system naturally!
Depending on your current toxic load, within a matter of days or weeks from learning and applying this tool, you can expect to experience more energy and stamina, balanced moods, less bloating and even weight loss!
Jenn Malecha
I support busy, health-minded professionals in taking back control of their health by giving them access to the right lab tests and resources so they can find the missing pieces of their health puzzle, actually fix what is wrong and get back to feeling like themselves again.
Using over a decade of personal training experience, training in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® and Transformational Coaching, I create personalized health-rebuilding programs for clients that are realistic, sustainable for long-lasting results, and that empower clients to be the boss of their own health.
When I started as a personal trainer, I thought I knew all there was to know about getting people the body they wanted and improving their health. But after years of personally calorie counting, trying diet after diet and excessive exercising, I was left feeling fatigued all the time and frustrated, and so were many of my clients. I even felt like giving up. I loathed my thighs, hated wearing short dresses and when skinny jeans came on the scene, I thought there was no way in hell I would ever fit into a pair.
But instead of giving up, I funneled my frustration into finding the answer to what was stopping my clients and me from having the body and energy we desired. Low and behold I found that diet and exercise just aren’t enough sometimes.
The body is a complex system and I had been ignoring some really important pieces of the puzzle, one of which is cleansing the body of built up toxins! Toxins clog the liver, which plays a HUGE role in converting hormones, metabolism, a healthy gut, and weight loss.
So many people are missing this crucial piece, so I’m on a mission to stop the frustration and teach more people how to take back control of their health and weight by cleansing the body, naturally.
What People Are Saying
Kristi S.
"Jenn has educated me on the why and how to make needed adjustments for a successful outcome. Go For It! You will learn so much about your body."
Desiree R.
“Working together, we discovered the right food, exercise and supplements for me. Through this process I began to own my worth, which improved my confidence when navigating restaurants and medical professionals."
Sarah Z.
"I have been able to stabilize my blood sugar by fixing my gut and my cycles have normalized. My relationship with food has also improved. I intuitively eat to maintain my weight and live in the moment. I no longer obsess about an unsustainable diet like before."
Jen T.
“ Our work together has completely changed my body, energy and mindset. I have more energy, listen to my body and feel empowered to overcome obstacles that get in my way. I was feeling hopeless and now I’m unstoppable!"
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